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/ Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth

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Mission and objectives

illustration: philosophical quest


The IPCY is a university institute that aims to develop responsible citizenship in youth and their communities through philosophical dialogues and collaborative projects.

A responsible citizen is a person who can think and act in accordance with their own values while taking into consideration—and even promoting—the interests of their community. DETAILS

Responsible citizenship requires a number of reflective dispositions—both for youth and for the adults accompanying them—that are specifically mobilized by philosophical practices, such as deep questioning, attentive listening, meaning-making and solidarity. The IPCY is therefore committed to cultivating the following three sets of dispositions:

Illustration: a critical eye


A critical eye, or the ability to appreciate the complexity of lived situations by adopting a critical, self-corrective attitude to thinking and acting. DETAILS

Illustration: empathic engagement


Empathic engagement, or the ability to take other people’s perspectives and circumstances seriously by actively extending into their experiences with sensibility and judgment. DETAILS



Illustration: a resilient mindset


A resilient mindset, or the ability to courageously cope with the challenges, uncertainties and obstacles encountered in life by adopting a persevering and resolute attitude. DETAILS