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/ Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth

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PhiloQuests: the day of creativity

11. Perspectives Performance

Creating an experience


ObjectiveTo make your points of view on the concept of experience shine by creating an interesting experience for others

Duration: 30 to 60 minutes


  • Your imagination
  • Sheets of paper and pencils
  • Accessories, if necessary


  1. Imagine an interesting experience. Your mission is to provide your audience with one or more interesting experiences. To do so, you first have to imagine an experience that would be particularly intriguing to live. Discover the shape of an object with your foot? Follow a path of odours? Remember a good memory while turning on yourself? Or simply… stand up without doing anything at all! Think of the physical sensations, feelings or thoughts that you would like to trigger. Try to live the experience yourself in different ways so that you can offer the most interesting experience to your audience.
  2. Prepare the stage. For your creation of an experience to be a real show, you need a stage, a decor, and accessories! It can be used to set the mood, but it might also be necessary to live your experience fully. Prepare the space properly to offer your audience an unforgettable experience! Don't forget to also choose the costume you will wear as the creator of the experience!
  3. Share the experience with others. When everything is ready and the time is right, invite your loved ones to come and live your experience on stage. If you have created several variations of the experience, or even several experiences, offer them to your audience and see how they react. If you are really motivated, you can even improvise a new experience with your audience on stage in the moment!
  4. Think about the process of creating an experience. First ask your audience members how they lived the experience you created. Then take a moment to ask yourself how you lived the experience of creating an experience for others. Finally, reflect with your audience on the following questions: what exactly is an experience? Is everything we live an experience? Are experiences better when shared? Is a creative experience different from other experiences? Why or why not?


Bonus: If you want to have a new thinking experience with your audience, ask yourself: what makes something interesting? Is there something that is interesting for everyone? Is something that is interesting necessarily good? Why or why not? And to end the evening in style, try to create together a completely uninteresting experience to live. Do you think it is even possible?

What does it really mean to live an experience?

Tricks for tots: An expedition in your memories guided by your five senses could help you create your experience! Do you remember a delight that stimulated your taste buds and a sound that intrigued your ears? Can you describe the best smell that ever crossed your nostrils? Have you ever touched something rather strange and seen something that completely dazzled you? Take inspiration from your own experiences to create a truly special experience for your family!
Tips for teens: In order to push further the reflections on art that you initiated during the last two activities—Sharing of Stances and Meal Mutiny—, reflect on the concept of art in relation to experience. Is art an experience? Is an experience art? Have you ever heard the expression: "The art of living"? What does it mean? Is living an art? Should we make sure that each of our lived experiences is art? Hmm... or would it be enough to simply see them in a new light, to expose the hidden art in all our lived experiences? Would it then be the art of living an experience?

Share your creative reflections by sending them via email.
Include photos of your projects and notes of your thoughts, as well as your first name and your age!


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