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/ Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth

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PhiloQuests: the day of creativity

4. Creative Conception

Creativity's home (Part 1)


Objective: To plan the creation of the amazing home of the concept of creativity!

Duration: 60 to 90 minutes


  • A sheet of paper or cardboard

  • Pencils, eraser


  1. Prepare the sheet. Your mission is to design creativity’s home! To help you get lots of ideas and organize them, prepare your sheet by drawing a horizontal line to separate it into two rectangles. In the top rectangle, write "ideas" and in the bottom rectangle, write "draft".

  2. Think about your first ideas. Using the definition and portrayal of creativity as a creature that you imagined for the Idea Stretching activity, think about the home that creativity would have if it were a living creature. What would it look like? Would the usual rooms (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom) be different? Would there be new rooms? What would the decoration look like? What would be in its garden? Brainstorm in the "ideas" section of your sheet and let your imagination run wild!

  3. Draw your ideas. Now that you've got a bunch of great ideas, it's time to see what they look like! In the “draft” area of your sheet, sketch the rooms and items you've been thinking about. It's not your final creation yet, so these drawings don't need to be too neat. It's mainly to see if your ideas work and to change them if necessary. You'll find that you'll have lots of new ideas as you start to create.

That's all for now! Don't forget that this activity is only the first part of your creative project! You can start the second partCreative Constructionright after this one or after you've done the Philosophical Picnic, but we recommend that you at least take a break. You've earned it!


Bonus: To help you get more ideas and have more fun, imagine that you are a real estate agent showing the house of creativity to people who are considering buying it. How would you describe the assets of the house by showing them each room? To really convince them, you can think about what it means to feel "at home" and ask yourself what aspects of your own house make you feel at home?

If creativity had a house, where would it live and why?

Tricks for tots: Instead of inventing a whole new home, you can think of the different rooms in your own house and imagine how creativity would change them if it came to stay with you! You can even go hunt for inspiration by looking at each room with your sheet in hand. Have fun imagining what kind of creative chaos it would cause!

Tips for teens: What if creativity organized a party in its new home and wanted to invite its concept friends. What concepts would it decide to invite and why? What conversations would it have with these concepts? How would they affect the party atmosphere? On the contrary, what concepts would it choose not to invite and why? Would boredom be among the guests for example? What would happen if these intruding concepts played to role of party poopers? In your opinion, do your choices imply that certain concepts are somehow "enemies"?

Share your creative reflections by sending them via email.
Include photos of your projects and notes of your thoughts, as well as your first name and your age!


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