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/ Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth

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PhiloQuests: adventures in our mind

Welcome to PhiloQuestswhere there are endless possibilities to experience ever exciting and enriching journeys of creative reflection through over a hundred free activities. Just because we're in isolation, it doesn't mean we can't have adventures in our mind!

illustration: Welcome to PhiloQuests
 What is a philo quest?

You may be wondering what a philo quest is... well, you're already on the right track, since it's all about asking yourself questions: philosophical questions! PhiloQuests are a series of thinking and creative missions, organized in days that are chock-full of all kinds of wonderings. There's even a guide for the adults in your life who would like to challenge themselves too.

How to get started?

You can immediately embark on the adventure of asking yourself big questions to better understand the world, all the while playing with ideas... without leaving the comfort of your own home! You will then become a Philoquester! No experience required... just your imagination, lots of good reasons and basic arts and crafts materials. You'll also be able to share your insights with your friends and family, and with other Philoquesters online by emailing us your creative projects.





The crossroad of concepts

Choose a concept! It’s always useful to get your bearings before starting a journey, especially when you don't know where you are. The pandemic we are currently going through together is a bit like being in unfamiliar territory: we can feel disoriented and experience things differently. To keep you from  getting lost along the way, the crossroads of concepts below offers you various paths, each one more fantastic than the last! What concepts are alive in you right now? Click on the one that inspires you today to start your adventure!


package and tools

The paths of Philoquesters!

To prepare your bag of ideas, you need to leave plenty of room for curiosity, wonder, doubt and perseverance. During PhiloQuests, you'll come across a ton of philosophical questions—often fundamental, sometimes far-fetched, always fascinating—that will invite you to journey off the beaten track and explore new territories of thought. So you will need courage and humility to seek the answers to these great questions that you will encounter along the way. Don't worry if you make mistakes, if you feel uncertain or if you don't finish an entire quest in a single day! The sequence of activities is mostly to give you an idea of the order: some missions work best if you do them before others, but everything is flexible when you venture into your mind. The most important thing is that you get to play with concepts and have fun with ideas for as long as you want! Happy expedition...


in the media

The media are interested in your great philosophical explorations and they're reporting their impressions of the brilliant wanderings that PhiloQuests support! "Even if the deconfinement has indeed begun in Quebec, tourism and travel are not restarting any time soon. But who says we can’t go on adventures from the comfort of our homes?” writes Le Devoir. "It would be really beautiful if, amidst all this tragedy, we could learn to value young people’s thoughts and capacities to express themselves during very difficult times,” concludes La Presse. Click on the logos below to learn more:

Logo of La PresseValuing children's capacity to think
Logo of Le DevoirPhilosophy, an impetus for adventure
Logo of the CBCPhilosophy can be extremly fun and relevant at once
Logo of The New York TimesThere is an openness to doubting, ambiguity and complexity
Logo of Radio-CanadaMaking philosophy accessible as a support for youth during a very difficult time


The Université de Montréal News also published an article on PhiloQuests.


illustration: a child embracing the world

 a few of our collaborations

le petit devoir de philo: a series of weekly articles and videos about PhiloQuests in the newspaper Le Devoir


Maison Théâtre: thinking expeditions for young spectator-inquirers, inspired by PhiloQuests

Discover some of the philocreative projects of our young thinkers:

Click on the image to see the album...

the album of philoquesters


 guide for adult accompaniers

Hey adults! You can also join the fun of philocreation. You'll find all the details to accompany your young Philoquesters in our guide for adult accompaniers! But first, here are three reasons to encourage your children to embark on the adventure of PhiloQuests... and to support them once they take off!

  • Reason 1: Seeing your children spend countless hours playing with concepts and undertaking ambitious creative projects. Their philosophical aptitudes will blow you away!
  • Reason 2: Discussing fascinating topics as a family, which will enable you to discover new facets in one another. No more rehashing the same old lockdown stories! 
  • Reason 3: Empowering your children to reflect on the difficult experiences they are currently living in creatively supportive ways, with an aim to cultivate both their critical reasoning and their empathy so as to better understand both the world outside and their inner world. Your kids will be better equipped for life!
Learn more about the mission and objectives of the Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth!

 Logo of PhiloQuests


The Institute of Philosophy, Citizenship and Youth of the University of Montreal is very pleased to present this array of philosophical missions for young people of all ages, in collaboration with its community partners:

logo of brilalogo of Les Débrouillardslogo of Les Explorateurslogo of the Radio-Canada

All PhiloQuests are offered at no cost and can be shared freely. However, it is prohibited to reproduce or adapt the content without the IPCY’s official permission.

THE PHILOQUESTS TEAM : Natalie M. Fletcher, Léa Cossette Brillant and Baptiste Roucau